Monthly Archives: August 2014

We can not afford to repeat the mistakes of the past!

[symple_spacing size=”80″]We can not repeat the mistakes of the past, for if we did not learn the lessons of history in school then we are doomed to repeat them with the consequences possibly be horrendous.  Never mind what the national polices are and how they are being implemented right now, we must face facts- Russia has become a great danger to the world and in the Middle East the terrorist groups like ISIS, al Qaeda, Hizbullah, and many others are very scary danger to all of us. Continue reading We can not afford to repeat the mistakes of the past!

Can we lower Pedestrian Accidents and Deaths?

The safe zone for pedestrians.
The safe zone for pedestrians.

[symple_spacing size=”80″]Pedestrian accidents and deaths in New Jersey, can they be as bad as they seem?

Let’s start off by looking at the statistics, 156 deaths in 2012 up from 142 in 2011.  Not that many you may think, but more than anyone would want.  So, why do they happen and what to do about preventing them is what I am going to address. Continue reading Can we lower Pedestrian Accidents and Deaths?

Are Stealth Police Vehicles really needed?

The latest in Police Vehicle stealth technology. What you can't see it, are you blind?
The latest in Police Vehicle stealth technology. What you can’t see it, are you blind?


[symple_spacing size=”80″]Stealth police cars are all around us everyday as we all drive the byways and highways of New Jersey. We all have seen them on the road(s) if your are attentive to your surroundings and know that they are waiting for the driving public to break the law. You should know how to spot them, unmarked police vehicles have the lights behind the grill and may have hard to see markings on the sides of the car. Continue reading Are Stealth Police Vehicles really needed?

Where has all the money gone?

Money Flowering
Where has all the money gone?

[symple_spacing size=”80″]The title for this weeks blog comes from Pete Seeger’s song “Where Have All The Flowers Gone.”  I think that it appropriate to listen to that song or at least have it in mind as you read this blog.

New Jersey’s Property taxes are the highest in the nation and while we have the best schools in the United States the question has to be asked, what has all the money gone toward? If you look at your property tax bill you will be surprised how much of it is for educating your children, it represents a large percent of your taxes. Continue reading Where has all the money gone?