Monthly Archives: November 2015

Thanksgiving to us from you

Happy Thanksgiving!


I thought long and hard on what I wanted to say today as it is Thanksgiving after all. Well in the end temptation got the best of me and I wrote a poem from the legislature to you the over taxed/voter. So a very Happy Thanksgiving to all and enjoy the start of the holiday season. Continue reading Thanksgiving to us from you

Political Rhetoric

political rhetoric


Today I am going to talk about a troubling trend that is growing rapidly. Intolerance is being fueled by those who think that some people are right when they are just sprouting political rhetoric. Continue reading Political Rhetoric

Protesting against racism

Princeton University


Princeton University is the latest place where students are protesting against racism. What is the problem? Well it seems that they want Woodrow Wilson’s name removed completely from the school, wherever it appears, be it a building or a program. Continue reading Protesting against racism

What we need in a President

George Washington


With all that is happening on the terrorist front, you might think that I would be talking about Paris and how the United States needs to do something more than what it has been doing. But, instead of doing that I thought it is time to talk about what qualities we need in a President in this day and age. Continue reading What we need in a President