Monthly Archives: March 2016

Should our Governor stay or leave?

Gov Christie signing bills


Should our governor stay or leave? The latter is what many newspapers and media outlets are saying. Is this a relevant issue or is just a political move stirred up by those progressive elements within the Democratic Party? Continue reading Should our Governor stay or leave?

Beware the Ides of March!

Presidential Election 2016


Beware the Ides of March! That is what was told to Julius Caesar just before he was assassinated and it still applies today. On this day there are a number of Presidential Primaries going on throughout the United States. Who will be the next to give up and how many will stay the political course? Continue reading Beware the Ides of March!

Possible NJ Transit Strike

NJ Transit strike


A possible NJ Transit strike is looming for commuters and anyone else that uses the roads. What do I mean by anyone else; well the simple fact is if the strike does occur the roads will be packed with people trying to get to work. And for those who have been commuting by car it could mean that your commute travel time could be tripled or worse. Continue reading Possible NJ Transit Strike

Will the GOP Splinter?

Trump Romney McCain
There has been speculation from those in the know that the GOP might splinter! Will Donald Trump’s running for President be the cause for the Republican Party to schism? This past week Mitt Romney and John McCain railed against Trump calling him many things including being a fraud. Could this cause the party to split into at least two parties? Continue reading Will the GOP Splinter?