Now that Tammy Murphy has suspended her campaign for the Senate as of this past Sunday. What will poor Phil do?
Yeah, he has money and is the most powerful state governor in the United States. But, it now seems that his (and her) political clout has waned and throwing money away to win one of the Senate seats has been shown to not work anymore. You have to remember that Phil Murphy used his wealth to gain the governorship of New Jersey. It was not his political clout nor his charisma either. Just plain old greasing the palms of the political bosses with money and out spending his rivals.
Well Phil, you might want to retire and go back to Massachusetts or to your villa in Italy. After all you only are faking being a man of the people. You and Tammy might have fooled the people of New Jersey twice. But not this time fella! Go you Left Wing nut job. And don’t let the governor’s mansion door hit you in the back of your head.
Andy Kim is a smart man. He knew just how to hurt Tammy Murphy’s campaign and his challenging the ballot line did just that. The AP has said that a federal judge looks unfavorably upon a ‘system favors preferred candidates of establishment party leaders.’ I really think that Representative Kim hit a political nerve or two of the New Jersey political bosses when he brought this case to the US Federal Court system. If Kim keeps this case in motion could this mean the end of the political bosses in New Jersey? Let us hope so with every fiber of our beings. The time of the political bosses like George Norcross might just be ending. And that would be the best thing for all of New Jersey’s citizens.
Without these bosses Tammy and Phil Murphy can not win any seat of office within the State of New Jersey. Tammy saw the writing on the wall and that is why she quit her run for office.
As for Andy Kim. I wish him well in his endeavor to rid New Jersey of it’s corrupt political system. Will I vote for him? The fact is, I just do not know. Do you?
Now is the time for the voting public to truly reflect on what values we want represented in Washington. So come primary time this June. Please don’t blindly vote the party line. But, instead do your research and vote in the best people that will faithfully represent your political viewpoint.
That is my opinion- Jumpin Jersey Mike