Category Archives: Special Edition

Dawn of a new Presidency

Joe Biden Kamal Harris

This New Year’s Eve we Americans stand at the dawn of a new Presidency. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have been certified by the Electoral College as the winners, so on January 20th they will be sworn in as President and Vice President. Continue reading Dawn of a new Presidency

Covid19 Hell Song

Angel of Death

Since today is Christmas and we are in the middle of a Covid19 pandemic. I thought a little song might cheer everyone up. Continue reading Covid19 Hell Song

My first video blog

Here is my first video blog, maybe it is my second. But I did it many weeks ago.

It has bloopers within a real message about Covid-19 and masks. Continue reading My first video blog

If I only did this

Michelle Obama

Have you lately been thinking “If I only did this or If I had done that?” Well I have and it is happening more and more.

Is there some reason for doing this or is it a mental way of being resigned to one’s fate? Continue reading If I only did this