Well Russiagate is now in full swing with both the information that the Democrats, Republicans and the Russian (government?) are involved in trying to influence the Presidential election. Continue reading Russiagate, Trump dossier
Well Russiagate is now in full swing with both the information that the Democrats, Republicans and the Russian (government?) are involved in trying to influence the Presidential election. Continue reading Russiagate, Trump dossier
Jumping to conclusions is what is happening after the terrible shooting massacre in Las Vegas yesterday. Many people in positions of influence have somehow come to the conclusion that we need even tighter gun control without all the facts having been discovered. Continue reading Jumpin to conclusions
John Wisniewski is a progressive liberal Democrat who is one of people who tried very hard to unsuccessfully pin Bridgegate on Chris Christie, fought the Gas Tax and supported Bernie Sanders for President while the majority of New Jersey Democrats supported Hillary Clinton. Continue reading John Wisniewski
As I am writing this both Jill Stein and Hillary Clinton are both waiting for a recount of votes from the state of Wisconsin. Many called the election a fraud and implied, if not outright said that Donald Trump stole the election. Continue reading Recount of Votes