Monthly Archives: June 2015

Are we what we think we are?

Rachel Dolezal

Are we what we think we are or do some just think that they are something(one) that they are not? The controversy that Rachel Dolezal has created by saying she was black and she was President of the Spokane chapter of the NAACP until she resigned. While her not being black has nothing to do with her being in the NAACP, it has everything to do in the way she views the world around her. Continue reading Are we what we think we are?

Is the price of gasoline being fixed in New Jersey?

refinery tankers

Is the price of gasoline being fixed in New Jersey and maybe nation wide? As I drive around my area of Central New Jersey I have started to notice that a large number of gas stations are selling regular octane gasoline at the same exact price. If you looked around you will find that the brand name gas stations have different prices and yet everyone selling the non-name (generic) brand sell it at the same exact price within a certain area. Continue reading Is the price of gasoline being fixed in New Jersey?

Big Corporation Slave is a Reality!



Big corporation slave labor is a reality here in the United States. Large corporations are taking advantage of people from overseas to work for them on a short term basis. While at the same time laying off or severely cutting back on the hours for its’ United States citizens. Continue reading Big Corporation Slave is a Reality!

Dogs bite people

dog bite


Dogs bite people for many reasons and one of them is because they the owner is irresponsible. They are not keeping their pet from wandering around their neighborhood because either they have no fence to keep it in or it is in poor repair. Many people who own dogs have no business having them! They do not take responsible care of their pet and the public suffers. Continue reading Dogs bite people