Revisiting the Gas Tax Conundrum

Money car


Today I will once again revisit the gas tax conundrum. As of today our wonderful legislators are considering a gas tax that would add 23 cents per gallon to supposably fund the repair and upkeep of our roadways.  In reality it would not fully fund the Transportation Trust Fund and the state will still have to sell bonds. By the way if you believe that the fund is going broke, you are being mislead because there is no dedicated fund at this time and all the monies from the gas tax go into the General Fund. So it cannot really go broke at all!


If you use the search tool on my blog page you will see that I have talked about this subject many many times. Yet our legislatures seem to be deaf and dumb. They want to give you a break on the estate tax and raise your costs to get to work plus the cost of all the goods and services. How considerate of them, is it not? Do they really think that we are that dumb?


The estate tax does not really affect many people at all and it would only give a break to a very few. The majority of inheritors are not affected by this tax, as they are either a close relative; such as a wife, husband or child. Those of the aforementioned familial bonds do not have to pay this tax. I know this for a fact as I inherited from my Mother. Of course there is an point at which you would be taxed and that should be raised to One Million dollars, but that is not what is important right now.


You my readers will have to forgive me, but due to a problem with my right wrist it is very difficult for me to use the computer. So I suggest that your read what has recently written on this subject. They due justice to the subject at hand and of course do look at what I have written on this subject in the past. Please take note that opposition has arisen against this legislation by both Democrats and Republicans; so there are level headed members who have finally taken a stand against this very dumb bill.


I will state one more thing though. Come this Fall you will have the chance to vote on a Constitutional amendment that would create a true trust fund for the proceeds of the Gas Tax, I endorse this amendment as something that deserves your vote.


That is my opinion- Jumpin Jersey Mike

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