Monthly Archives: January 2018

A Capital Idea

A Capital Idea

© Rabbi Robert L. Wolkoff

An astounding amount of nonsense has been written about President Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Some have downplayed the decision as a mere political ploy, to shore up evangelical support for Roy Moore, or to build up support among right-wing Jews. Others have denigrated the decision based on the assumption that Trump is too ignorant, or too malevolent, to do anything right. The punditsphere has portrayed President Trump as a bumbling idiot who gave away the store and got nothing in return; or as a loose cannon, who (once again) made an impulsive decision that no one can understand. Continue reading A Capital Idea

Oil is still going up!

How low will crude oil go?


The price of a barrel of oil is still going up despite the fact that here in the United States more oil is being pulled out of the ground allowing for more oil independence than we have seen since the 1960s. Continue reading Oil is still going up!