Roseanne Barr’s downfall

Roseanne Barr

Today Roseanne Barr found out what happens when you do a tweet that can be taken as nothing else other than a racist remark.

ABC has canceled her reboot of “Roseanne” because of what Barr called a joke about Valerie Jarrett, a former senior advisor to President Barack Obama. The tweet was in very bad taste in my opinion and showed that Barr is not anywhere as funny as she thinks she is. In fact the tweet was downright racist, “muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj.”

Barr is a Trump supporter and if this is an example of what our President wants in supporters, well we are in big trouble. Somehow I do not think that President Trump is stupid enough to say to Ms. Barr that she did nothing wrong or use his favorite saying “Fake news!” to get her out of trouble. Roseanne has now dug herself into a very deep and dark hole from which she will have a very hard time climbing out of.

To her credit she did try to ease her way out of the predicament that she has gotten herself into by tweeting the following-

I apologize. I am now leaving Twitter.

Roseanne Barr (@therealroseanne) May 29, 2018

I apologize to Valerie Jarrett and to all Americans. I am truly sorry for making a bad joke about her politics and her looks. I should have known better. Forgive me-my joke was in bad taste.

Roseanne Barr (@therealroseanne) May 29, 2018

Somehow I can not see the joke and all I see is someone who can not express herself without using derogatory comments. Too many people think that they can say whatever they want to on Twitter and Facebook without any real consequences. Well Ms. Barr just demonstrated to everyone that once said it can not be taken back nor always forgiven.

I for one will not be gleeful or vindictive. Instead we all should use this as an example of what can happen when one is so full of themselves to think that they can get away with making crude racist remarks.

Kathy Griffin learned the hard way that doing something in poor taste can cost you dearly, now Roseanne Barr has learned that what she thinks is funny is just plain racist.

That is my opinion- Jumpin Jersey Mike

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