I have not watched one!

Democratuc debate

There have been four Democratic Party debates so far this year and I have not watched one. Why you may be asking? Well the simple answer is they all seem to turn into a majority of the candidates attacking one candidate. That is not my thing.

In these last two debates Bloomberg and Sanders have been the targets. With Biden making dumb mistakes and Warren just being her disingenuous self. I won’t get into how these debates are a joke to me and just show how the candidates are pandering to their perceived voting block.

Yes, I know it seems that I do watch them. But, in reality I just read the summaries and video highlights.

Why bother watching a bunch of political fools try to get people to vote for them when they are all cut from the same cloth. They are all progressives, some more left than others. And I am looking for someone who is more moderate than liberal (progressive) and certainly not too conservative either.

This country has been told that we need to be either progressive or conservative by the media and by the political parties. Too many people are just unthinking sheep who just allow themselves to be lead by nose in their political reasoning by short statements made by the political candidates or their surrogates. Sound bites are the food that this fast moving society seems to thrive on, whether they make sense or not.

I love how the millionaires tell the middle class how we should think politically. Both Bloomberg and Sanders are so unrealistic in their thinking. And yet there is a large base of young voters who support Sanders and his socialist ideas. To me these voters have been brainwashed by their professors who have been leading the left wing charge for years now.

Warren wants everyone to listen to her and thus she comes up with so many attacks on her fellow debaters. And Biden sometimes seems to be out of touch with reality. While Buttitieg is capitalizing on the fact that he is gay and married to another man. Who cares, I sure don’t!

Come on people, how about telling us what you realistically think you as president can help our country. Stop with the backstabbing and get on with telling the American voting public what you really stand for and how you will go about fixing the problems you perceive as being a priority for America.

That is my opinion- Jumpin Jersey Mike

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