September 11th a Day of Terror

[symple_spacing size=”80″]Today is September 11th, a day when the evil of Al Qaeda reared its head. The day when the World Trade Center Twin Towers in New York City were hit by two Commercial Airliners filled with innocent victims who died.  For what… hatred of our way of life. They also flew a commercial airplane into the Pentagon and damaged it, while killing many on the ground and in the aircraft. A fourth plane failed to reach its target, the White House, because the passengers would not let the hijackers win and they died as heroes in a field in Pennsylvania.

What a diabolical attack against our religious freedom, our tolerance of others, our willingness to fight against evil wherever it exists and our system of governance, which is a Democratic Republic.

They could not allow our way of life to continue, for they want the entire world to be under Islam and Islamic Law. So a small group of radical extremists decided to show us the error of our ways. They had tried once before to blowup the Towers and failed. Now they used our free and open way of life against us. They learned to fly an airplane, but not land it and found the weaknesses in our aircraft in-flight security.

Well they failed and we are still here. A hornets nest was stirred up that day, the people of the United States of America found out that they could not be complacent anymore. This is a fight to the death in which there can be only one victor and we can not let them win!

Let me tell you what happened to me that day. It was somewhere past 8:30AM when one of the house painters who were prepping the house for painting said that Howard Stern had announced that a plane had crashed into one of the Twin Towers and that they thought it was some kind of terrible accident. A little while later a second plane hit the other tower and still no one knew exactly what had caused the planes to hit the towers. Then a short time latter while watching the television news coverage all of the stations went off the air, except for I think ABC. The towers had collapsed.

The Federal Government announced that all planes must land right away and all international flight trying to enter our airspace must turn back or divert to land outside of the US. Military jet fighters and helicopters flew over my house and they were much noisier they I ever expected them to be. It was very scary to see them flying so low.

Television stations used backup transmitters and came on the air one by one with weak signals. They kept the airways filled with speculation on what had exactly happened. The news ran continuously and it was mostly the bad news of how many people were killed or injured.

Our local police setup barricades around public buildings and looked for trouble to rear its ugly head. It was a scary and confusing time. In New York City they closed the bridges and shut down the subway.

The funny thing is that people became politer and were all supporting the government. I myself was both mad and scared. I thought how dare they attack us and try to destroy our way of life.

That night as I watched the news one of the nearby buildings collapsed and we all saw it happening on live television. Never do I want to ever see something like that again. It was very upsetting to me and to this day I can not listen or watch any of news coverage from 9/11.

Please note that I did not put any links in, nor a picture on purpose and everything I said is from the way I remembered it happening.

That is my opinion- Jumpin Jersey Mike

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