The Gas Tax is Coming

Gas tax


The Gas Tax is coming, the Gas Tax is coming to paraphrase that famous line in a poem titled “The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere” by Longfellow. We all should be wary of politicians bearing gifts. The Republican Assembly Minority Leader Jon Bramnick ceded the fact his party will pursue raising the tax on gasoline when the legislature meets for the Fall Session.


Somehow money has to be raised to plug the shortfall in the Transportation (sic) Trust Fund. The only thing our wonderful legislators see as a way to do this is to raise the tax on gasoline that you buy. While New Jersey does have the lowest tax, it is not put into a dedicated fund. It goes into the General Fund and has been used for other things than fixing or maintaining our roadways. Without a true dedicated fund this is just what will happen, the money will disappear down the political rathole. And there will be again a hue and cry that there is not enough money to fix our roads.


It is funny that Assemblyman Bramnick now favors the gas tax when earlier this year he was dead set against it. Back in February of this year this same Assemblyman said “Sweeney’s argument was a “red herring” and that Republican lawmakers simply want more “a much broader, global discussion as to whether there should be other cuts and whether you’re willing to reduce or eliminate other taxes.”” Funny how now he changes his mind and now supports raising this tax. I realize that the Governor did open the door to discussing raising the tax and I have talked on this subject many times already. Just click on what kind of looks like a magnifying glass symbol near the top of the page on the right side and enter “gas tax”. You will see that I have discussed this subject many times.


While they are debating how much the tax should go up, maybe they should read my blog from July 2014 called “Are Dedicated Funds really dedicated. The answer will surprise you!” It was my first blog and I still know I am right and this blog tells you the reader what has to be done. Now for a little lighter reading; please enjoy yourselves with the little song I have written below. It is based on Longfellow’s poem “The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere”, so enjoy!


The Midnight ride of the Tax Marauders!


Listen, my friends, and you shall hear

Of the midnight chicanery of the Jersey politicians,

And of the public going, oh dear, oh dear.

On the Fall meeting of the legislature, in O-Fifteen;

Hardly a constituent now believes their ears

Who remember that infamous day and year.

He said to his friend, “If the Gas Tax is raised spread the word from Trenton to-night,

Hang an effigy of Christie aloft on top of the gold dome

Of the Capital Building as a signal,

One, if no dedicated trust fund, and two, if with a dedicated trust fund;

And I on the computer will be,

Ready to Tweet, Facebook and spread the alarm

Through every town and municipality,

A cry of defiance and not of fear,

The Gas Tax is coming, the Gas Tax is coming!

A voice in the political darkness, a knock at the door

And words that shall echo forevermore!

“Lower our taxes, the burden is high.”

For, bourn on the night-wind of politics,

Though all our history, to the last,

In this hour of political chicanery and peril and need,

The people will awaken and listen to hear

The truth of raising the gas tax,

And the important message of tax freedom.


And that is my opinion- Jumpin Jersey Mike



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