Religious Freedom



Religious freedom is the cornerstone of our Democratic Republic here in the United States of America (USA). This a place where anyone can practice their religion without harassment from the government, be it the Federal, State or Local government. No other country on the face of this planet has the freedoms we have as set forth in our Constitution.


And yet there are people who seem to want to deny us our religious beliefs. Who dares to tell us that we can not practice our beliefs publicly and denies that we have the right to worship God as we see fit? It is those who do not believe there is a God and wants to deny us the freedom to be what we are in a public forum. They are the atheists who do not want to see any signs of God in their presence.


Specifically I will be talking about the Freedom From Religion Foundation. A very aptly named organization; I do not deny them the right to not practice their non-religion and yet they are doing their best to destroy religion in any form by attacking its display in the public forum. They do have rights and yet should they have the right to be able to destroy what we believe? My answer and the response from many others is a resounding No!


If you read their statement about who they are you will see that they think they are the guardians of social and moral progress. In my opinion they are most certainly do have the right to think that they are and yet they are most certainly not the guardians they presuppose they are! Religion has and will always have a most welcome presence in our governance of this nation. Those who know the Ten Commandments realize that our laws spring forth from them and without them society would not exist here as it does.


Why is the Freedom From Religion Foundation and other groups like them object to the public display(s) of religion is to me a denial of my beliefs and the substitution of theirs for mine in the public forum. Here in the USA Christians, Jews and Muslims, the three major religions present here, are the majority and as such we should be able to have public displays of religion as long as it does not prevent the non-religious from displaying their own values. Yes, I just said the atheists do have the right to not believe in God! Just as you and I have the right to believe as we do in God.


It is time for everyone to wakeup and realize that this atheist group is trying to devalue our religion(s). We must stand up and say no to what they want; a non-religious world.


That is my opinion- Jumpin Jersey Mike

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