Why should I vote?



Why should I vote? That might be a question that you might be asking yourself this Presidential election season and in today’s blog I will delve into that very question.


Starting with the most obvious answer, your vote does count. Yes your vote does count and no to the idea that your vote will not make a difference. Of course your vote could make a difference, but you must think in a different way about that concept. One vote by itself might not change anything and yet if you consider the fact that millions of people are going to be voting, the percentage not voting could have made a difference. Why? Well if only ten percent of those who didn’t vote had; then that ten percent could tip the number of votes to affect the Electoral College and hand the election to the person who would have lost. So yes your vote can make a difference!


Next is the idea that it is part of being a good American is going out and vote. Even when you are not really motivated to do so it should make you feel patriotic. Yea, I know this idea is passé to many today. But to many this election season being a patriot has become very important.


And how about the fact that you might meet someone you have not seen in a long time at your polling place? OK this one is a little lame, but you can’t blame me for trying.


Now if none of the above things I talked about have changed your mind, how about the following- “In a democracy, citizens have the opportunity to vote on important issues and elect politicians and representatives. In 2008, a U.S. Census Bureau survey found that only 72 percent of Americans were even registered to vote, with only 63 percent of those individuals casting their vote.

This means around 45 percent of people participate in deciding on issues that represent the country in its entirety. When more people vote, they increase the chance that the issues that are important to them are taken seriously. If a minority votes, there is a risk that their preferences do not represent the majority.

In addition to voting ensuring that issues are heard, it is a privilege that is relatively young in society. Women, the poor and ethnic minorities fought hard to win the right to vote. In some countries, voting is fruitless or people do not have voting options. Having the ability to vote when not everyone worldwide can determine their country’s political processes is an advantage people living in democratic societies should prioritize.” This comes from Reference.com.

I hope that you will go out and vote, no matter who or what you vote for by voting you the voter do make this a better country!

That is my opinion- Jumpin Jersey Mike

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