Dogs versus Cats

Dogs and cats

Since it is a snow day outside I thought that a light subject would be appropriate, so today I will talk about dogs versus cats.

Research has shown that dogs do love their human owners more than cats. Per an article in The Telegraph, “”We have pretty good evidence that dogs actually love their humans”, according to Dr Paul Zak, who conducted the study. “A couple of small-scale studies have shown that when owners interact with their dogs, the human and their dog appear to release oxytocin. It’s one of the chemical measures of love in mammals. Humans produce the hormone in our brains when we care about someone. For example, when we see our spouse or child the levels in our bloodstream typically rise by 40-60 per cent.” He further went on to say that he checked the oxytocin levels in both dogs and cats after playing with their owners by taking saliva samples from a ten of each on two different occasions. The was done to test for oxytocin about ten minutes before a play session with their owners and then also tested for immediately after.

The results show the hormone increased by an average of 57.2 per cent in dogs but only by 12 per cent in cats.

This means in theory, dogs love their humans more than cats do.

“I was really surprised to discover that dogs produced such high levels of oxytocin… the dog level of 57.2 per cent is a very powerful response. It shows these dogs really care about their owners. It was also a nice surprise to discover that cats produce any at all. At least some of the time, cats seem to bond with their owners,” he added.

Some think that cats don’t actually like their owners at all – this study at least proves that wrong.”

Furthermore the study of how many neurons that are in their brains has concluded that “Dogs, it turns out, have about twice the number of neurons in their cerebral cortexes than what cats have, which suggests they could be about twice as intelligent.” This means that “Based on the number of neurons found, they speculated that dogs have roughly the same intelligence as raccoons and lions, while domestic cats have comparable intelligence to bears.”

So from both these studies I have to conclude that dogs are in general smarter than cats and also love their owners more. Yes I know that many cat owners will disagree, but scientific research is much more reliable than subjective observations of either species.

That is my opinion- Jumpin Jersey Mike


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