Jumpin Jersey Mikes Personal Blog update number 8

Personal blog update number 8

This blog is about a neighbor who does not respect another.

A few months ago the condo above mine was sold for use as a rental unit and a renter moved in. Well the person that moved in does not seem to understand that they are not alone. That is to say that they do not know that any noise(s) they make by walking like a bull in a china shop, running their washing machine in the middle of the night and dragging furniture across the wooden floor when people are sleeping could disturb another persons sleep.

It seems that this person has no sense of the fact that there are other people around them that can disturbed by their non-thinking acts in the middle of the night. For me myself I can not fathom disturbing others by such uncaring selfish acts.

Can not this person understand that their floor is my ceiling and that any noise that they make is also amplified by the wooden construction of the building? It seems that the renter is oblivious to this simple fact and do they not perceive that what they do within their condo can cause problems for others?

Why any human being sounds like a bull when walking on a wooden floor and is very slight in build is beyond my understanding. At times some of my walls actually shake from the vibrations caused by the Pogo effect of pounding ones legs against the floor unnecessarily as they walk. The renter seems to not know how to walk as a human should and does not care that they will cause a booming noise within my condo as they go across their unit.

The running of a washing machine in the middle of the night, it can be heard throughout my condo, is to me an act of indifference of an uncaring individual. Why do this at a time when one should be sleeping is just beyond belief and is especially so because this person at the present time does not work! This is something that can be easily done during the daylight hours and there is no reasonable argument that can justify doing otherwise.

Plus how can any normal person not understand that if they drag furniture across a bare floor that it makes noise, as they can hear it themselves. Then why is it not understood that in the condo below them that it would be loudly heard also?

You well might think that I should confront this person and tell them that what they are doing is disturbing my sleep. Well I fear that if I did at this point I would lose my temper and instead of getting them to stop this bad behavior I would be charged by the police with harassment or some other charge.

I know that I am running on, but you must please forgive me as I am a little sleep deprived and also on edge.

That is my opinion- Jumpin Jersey Mike

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