Murphy and his Covid-19 Mania

New Jersey and Covid-19

It is time to stop Murphy and his Covid-19 mania. The man is too secretive about his data and much too arbitrary in his decision making on this pandemic.

Under New Jersey law Governor Murphy can continually renew, at 30 day intervals, the Public Health Emergency Executive Order. There is no limit to how many times he can do this. Which I find ridiculous. This can easily result in abuse of this power. The legislature is completely out of the loop as far as when the governor can be forced to stop renewing his executive order(s).

There is no sign of checks and balances at all. This is a very dangerous way to conduct the business of this state. Our legislature has not made one move to change the law at all. It should be obvious to them and everyone else that without limits imposed by legislative law, a governor can easily abuse his power by claiming a public health emergency.

Murphy’s power to proclaim emergency executive orders stem from the following- “The governor’s emergency powers flow from Article V of the State Constitution vesting the executive power in him. The scope and method of exercising those powers are controlled in this case by the Disaster Control Act, N.J.S.A. App.A:9-33, et seq. (“DCA”), and the Emergency Health Powers Act, N.J.S.A. 26:13-1 et seq., enacted in 2005 in the wake of 9/11. Post 9/11, New Jersey’s leaders recognized the State’s public health and domestic security laws needed to be updated to address mass biological incidents. (The other principal source of gubernatorial emergency power, also enacted post-9/11, is the Domestic Security Preparedness Act, N.J.S.A. App.A:9-64, et seq., authorizing “the development, implementation and management of comprehensive responses to any terrorist attack or any other technological disaster and the effective administration, management and coordination of remediation and recovery actions and responses following any such attack or disaster.”)

I hope that soon someone in the New Jersey legislature will awake from their stupor and realize that the state constitution needs to be amended so that the governor can not keep renewing his emergency powers without permission from the Senate or Assembly. This would protect the people of this state from a governor who is abusing his office, as I believe Murphy is now doing.

That is my opinion- Jumpin Jersey Mike

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