What happened in Washington DC?

Washington DC Riot

This is my take on what happened in Washington DC. Some call them rioters, others insurrectionists and I call those who invaded the Capitol building and grounds idiots!

Yes, it is a sad day when a radical right wing splinter group decided to use a peaceful protest against the Congress’s making official Joe Biden’s election as President as their cover to try to disrupt the government or even worse to attack elected officials.

If you have been reading my blog for any length of time. Then you know that I support peaceful protesting. What happened in our nation’s capital was a hijacking of such a protest by radicals. Whether or not President Trump had anything with these despicable people, I will leave that up to history and our judiciary.

There is much evidence that most of the protesters had nothing to do with invading the Capital. I let you find the truth as you see it. Why? Because right now too many are acting like sheep and not really trying to find out the truth.

Anyway I think both history and the FBI will find that a small radical group used this protest as cover to try to damage, if not destroy, our democratic republic form of government. This group should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Any and all peaceful protesters who did not enter the Capital grounds or the Capital itself should not be harassed by anyone for what they did. Peacefully protesting is a cornerstone of any democracy and no one should ever suppress it!

Only time will tell what the exact intentions of the individuals (group) had. The FBI is investigating and the courts will see these people get their full sample of justice. May it be fair and just!

This is not the first blog that I am writing about this subject, it is the third. I scrapped the other two because of all the public hysteria and too many willing to shoot one down for speaking their mind.

Let us instead of growing apart. Come together to celebrate the peaceful transition of power our nation has enjoyed for over 230 years. May the people of the United States of America find peace and tranquility, not violence and hate.

That is my opinion- Jumpin Jersey Mike

#WashingtonDC #riot #insurrection

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