Tag Archives: New Jersey legislature

Thanksgiving to us from you

Happy Thanksgiving!


I thought long and hard on what I wanted to say today as it is Thanksgiving after all. Well in the end temptation got the best of me and I wrote a poem from the legislature to you the over taxed/voter. So a very Happy Thanksgiving to all and enjoy the start of the holiday season. Continue reading Thanksgiving to us from you

EMS is a Political Pawn

Cooper Hospital


This blog is going to address the on going political struggle to take away the Emergency Medical Service (EMS) from Virtua to Boss Norcross’s Cooper Hospital. For about forty five years Virtua has been in charge of EMS in the Camden area, now Boss Norcross wants Cooper Hospital to take over. Norcross has a vested interest in doing this as he is on the board of Cooper and this would bring in more money to the hospital. Continue reading EMS is a Political Pawn