New Jersey State of the State

State of the State


Governor Christie gave his New Jersey State of the State this past Tuesday afternoon and I actually watched it. All I can say that it was entertaining at times. He really took the Legislature to task for voting yes on a constitutional amendment so that the public workers would be guaranteed that their pensions would get the full amount of payments that the state owes.

The Governor said the following about what the Democrats voted for on Monday. They crafted a constitutional amendment guaranteeing public pension payments. Approving such a measure would put the state on a “road to ruin,” requiring either drastic tax increases or draconian cuts to public services. He challenged members of the audience to raise their hands in support of these politically toxic options. At the mention of each option the Governor stopped, for dramatic affect and asked the legislators to raise their hand if they would pick the action he had described. Guess what, no one dared to raise a hand at all and there was total silence! Then the Governor said, “Do we keep working to get things done and to move New Jersey forward?” and then rhetorically said “Or are we going to pander to special interests and send New Jersey back to the bad old days?

At the end of this political beating the Governor asked how were the legislators planning to pay for guaranteed public pensions? He went on to say “Who are you going to steal the money from in New Jersey?” He does have a good point for we the citizens of New Jersey are the ones who would have to pay. One thing that our wonderful legislators do not seem to understand is that this constitutional amendment is clearly biased toward the public workers union and the politicos think of nothing but pleasing them.

Senate President Sweeney does have a conflict of interest in my opinion. He works as a Vice President of the International Association of Iron Workers. This is a powerful non-public union and surely being part of it has a great influence on how he views our public workers unions. Such a bias he most likely has, even if it is subconscious, should cause him to not vote on or even participate in any debate on public workers union benefits. Yet he does no such thing!

I might add that as the Governor was giving his speech that it had Presidential overtones. Yes I know that he is running for President and needs all the political points with the voters in New Hampshire, Iowa, etc. But, really Governor do we the people of New Jersey count? For if you don’t think so, think again as no President has been elected without carrying their home state. And as of today your ratings in New Jersey are down right terrible! So keep ignoring the people of this state at your peril, I am talking to both the Governor and the state legislature. Watch your political ambitions go down the drain if you do not fix the problems that we have here in New Jersey!

That is my opinion- Jumpin Jersey Mike


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