The Future of Education

Internet education


Is the future of education for our school aged children based on Charter Schools and over the internet schooling? We now use a system of schooling that while well versed in the lessons needed to pass the PARRC Test has strayed far from the old system based on reading, writing and arithmetic. The problem with the system we have now is that it stresses learning things only needed to pass this test and leaves out things that our children need to know for their lives as working adults.


Here in New Jersey and across the nation many Charter Schools have opened up with the benefits of many of them taking a different approach that helps children to learn when their local system fails them. Of course not all of these schools work as well the public schools do, but that happens and the benefits for our children outweigh the minuses. The teachers are not restricted in their lesson planning as in a public school and there is a better student to teacher ratio, both of which help promote an environment biased toward learning versus one where the public school systems have overburdened teachers and numerous functionaries (IE, Assistant Principals, etc.) which both balloon the cost of education and form an unneeded top heavy bureaucracy. Charter Schools are streamlined compared to traditional school systems and thus do not end up spending most of their budgets on salaries, but on the students.


The new comer is a form of home schooling with a twist; this system uses a locally qualified/certified teacher on the internet that guides the student(s) in their studies from a computer. This system allows for year round schooling and an environment that can nurturers both a feeling of safety and familiarity for the student. For our kids today are more comfortable with computers than their parents or grandparents.


One of these internet based school companies is K12 and while I am only using them as an example you should not take it as an endorsement. The following is from K12’s own website:

K12’s acclaimed K–8 and high school programs provide an individualized educational experience for students. Each student has a Learning Coach, typically the parent or guardian of the student. The Learning Coach helps keep the student on track with their school work.

Online public schools also include:

  • State-certified teachers expertly trained for teaching online
  • An Individualized Learning Plan
  • The award-winning K12 curriculum
  • School materials delivered to your doorstep, including textbooks, workbooks, and hands-on materials
  • One-to-one support by school staff to help you be successful
  • Access to a variety of student activities such as online clubs and student contests, and parent support


As you can see they do provide an education that will work and the help to learn while doing it online, something that today’s children find intuitive. The only problem is that New Jersey is behind other states and this form of education for grade school children is not yet available for our children, which is a real shame! I encourage those interested in this form of education to actively push for it.


I have shown you a glimpse of the future of education for our children and I hope that you take a look at all the alternative forms of education that are available.


That is my opinion- Jumpin Jersey Mike


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