Immigration of the Undocumented

illegal immigration


Immigration of undocumented (illegal) persons from the Latin countries, as well as others, is a well known problem here in the United States. Some of these people seem to think that they should be allowed to stay without any penalties or be subjected deportation. Yesterday, May 1st there was supposed to be another walkout of these persons from their jobs; it was a failure. They seem to have gotten the idea that they have the right to come here without proper documents and permission, which they do not!


Those coming here without going through the proper immigration procedures and channels have no right to stay or work here at all! Contrary to those of the political far left and those employers who exploit these people there are no implied rights.


If these people had gone to other countries, such as France, you have to follow the laws established by that country. In Franceto visit France legally, immigrants need to follow all the requirements provided within French law. The main law, which regulates immigration of non-EU citizens in France, is the Code of Entry and Stay of Foreigners and Asylum in France. There are several options, depending on the purpose of your visit.” So you can see that you have to follow the rules no matter what country you want to immigrate to.


Yes, we need many of those who have not come legally. But the big problem is this- the governance of who may come here needs to be drastically overhauled. The process must be simplified and less costly for those who want to immigrate here and a system of rules should be implemented to allow short term (2 years or less) foreign workers to come here and of course work at jobs that Americans no longer want to do.


I liken the problem of illegal immigration to a group of people gaining entrance to your home via a set of deceiving lies/untruths or just by sneaking in without your knowledge, think of this hypothetical home as being extremely large and you cannot see only one part of it at a time. Would you not want to kick these intruders out or call the police to do so? If not you are quite different from the mainstream in your thinking.


We also have to know that many of the jobs that those who come here illegally are slowly disappearing due to technological progress. For example there are robotic mowing machines available today that could end the need for so many people in the lawn maintenance business. There are other examples of robots replacing humans, such as hamburger making machines and warehouse picker robots for example.


In closing the illegal (undocumented) laws should be upgraded to say that if you are here uninvited, then you should be arrested and put in jail. Your money should be confiscated and you deported on your dime. It is high time to also start clamping down on those who employ these people and fine them plus have them serve jail time.


I must say one more thing. This is not a do not come here issue, we should welcome all who come/are here legally. While some see it as a political issue I see it as an economic and humanitarian problem. After all America is a country of emigrants.


That is my opinion- Jumpin Jersey Mike

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