Tag Archives: Michael Brown

Is Private Surveillance Camera Registration 1984?

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Is privacy dead?
Is privacy dead?

Assemblyman Ralph Caputo (D-Essex) wants to have all private surveillance cameras registered. Included information would include the following- The owner’s name, contact information, camera location, number of cameras installed, areas recorded and how the footage is saved. Why did the assemblyman propose this bill? He thinks that by registering these cameras law enforcement would be able to determine if there was coverage of an area where a crime has occurred, who and how to obtain the surveillance from.

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The Death of Michael Brown

The verdict is in the death of Michael Brown by police officer Darren Wilson and violence erupted just after it was announced. Some might think the destruction happened because the police officer was exonerated of all charges, others know that there is a more than likely reason. Everyone except for the family of Michael Brown polarized what happened into a purely racial act. When in fact it was not; at least not according to the facts the Grand Jury were presented with. Of course we have not heard from the Feds and what their conclusions might be. Continue reading The Death of Michael Brown