Monthly Archives: July 2018

Pickup trucks

Pickup Trucks

Why do people think that pickup trucks are safer than cars? I will explore that theme today.

From, “Regardless of added safety technology, trucks may still struggle to make the cut because their construction doesn’t absorb impacts as well as most cars, and also puts those riding inside smaller vehicles at greater risk of injury. Continue reading Pickup trucks

Who are the true super heroes?

Thailand cave rescue

Who are the true super heroes?

They are not the comic book ones, such as Super Man or Batman or even Wonder Woman. Who they are just ordinary people going above and beyond for their fellow human beings. Continue reading Who are the true super heroes?

Is this the end of plastic bags?

Plastic bags

Is this the end of plastic bags for carrying your groceries home? Governor Murphy has not as yet signed the Plastic bag fee bill (A-3267). If he does it means you will have to pay a nickel for each plastic bag a store gives you to use to carry your purchases home. Continue reading Is this the end of plastic bags?

US Embassy in Jerusalem

US embassy Jerusalem

Since President Trump moved the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem the Palestinians have been protesting the move. They claim that East Jerusalem is part of their Palestinian state. Continue reading US Embassy in Jerusalem