Tag Archives: economy

National Employment Rate is down!


If you have been paying attention, you might know that the National Unemployment Rate is 3.6 percent for April of this year. It was 9.9 percent back in 2010, when Obama was president. Continue reading National Employment Rate is down!

New Jersey and you


New Jersey and you not perfect together! The slogan of “New Jersey and you perfect together” from the Governor Kean era is not the one I would use for how our economy is going.

Our national economy is doing much better than New Jersey’s Continue reading New Jersey and you

Don’t move to Florida, move to Texas

Abbott vs Murphy

From Texas Governor Abbott to New Jerseyans- Don’t move to Florida, move to Texas. He (said this in an OP-ED piece) goes on to say why and his arguments do make some sense. Well Governor Murphy (New Jersey) replied back with a number of things that he thinks makes New Jersey better and it is just a bad joke of a reply. Continue reading Don’t move to Florida, move to Texas

The Dow

Stock market

The Dow (stock market) plunged in a free fall of almost 1600 points on Monday. What happened? Continue reading The Dow